Bio board (a 3-layer glued solid board) is made mainly of coniferous woody plants and consists of three layers glued on each other. The outer layers consist of continuous lamellas glued lengthwise. Central layer is glued from lamellas that are connected on each other lengthwise. After grinding, all the three layers are glued to one unit in such a manner that the central layer is glued under 90° angle against the top layers. Diversity of the assortment enables wide options of utilisation for modern furniture production, interior design and wooden houses.
Thickness: 16,19,22,27,42,50,60 mm
5000 x 1025 mm, 5000 x 2050 mm
6000 x 2025 mm, 6000 x 2050 mm
6000 x 1250 mm, 6000 x 2500 mm
A Quality
Ground surface, without cracks and connections, healthy overgrown knots, black knots maximum up to 20mm, without a pulp, healthy core, turning blue and rot are not allowed.
B Quality
Ground surface, without connections, rare cracks admissible, black knots and remedial works allowed, isolated pulp admissible, resinous channels allowed up to the dimensions of 5x50mm, closed bark up to 1.5 cm allowed.
C Quality
Ground surface, remedial works after the fallen-out bulges allowed, admissible cracks (max. 2 – 3 mm), turning blue allowed.